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DryFire Simulator
Sales, Training and Demonstration

I have been using DryFire since it’s inception in June of 2000. Since that time I have also been associated with DryFire as an Authorized DryFire Dealer in the United States.  I am a strong supporter of this product and believe that my own personal training and practice sessions with this simulator have helped me go from “D” Class  to Master Class in a very short time.

DryFire is used indoors but requires the same skills: acquire, mount, swing, lead, shoot, follow-through as the real thing.  

DryFire is not a game. It focuses 100% on accurate clay target simulation and uses your shotgun and your choice of cartridges and chokes.

We all know that repetitive practice following detailed training is the only way to acquire new skills and to iron out existing faults.

I have a fully equipped training room at my home and have experienced great success using this simulator to train students in all of the same fundamentals of shooting that I teach in the field.

2 hour private or group lessons include:


Gun Safety


Eye Dominance


Proper Stance and Gun Mount


Basic Gun Fit and Patterning Board


Shooting Form and Technique


Explain and Demonstrate Primary Shooting Techniques, Styles and Methods


Target Evaluation

For a complete summary of how DryFire works, click on this link: http://dryfire.com/summary.htm.

If this type of training sounds interesting to you please visit the DryFire Manufacturers website or the Dryfire U.S.A. website for more detailed information
... or just give me a call and I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have.

Mike Lumbrazo NSCA Certified Instructor Indiana Illinois, mike,lumbrazo,nsca instructor,shooting,lesson,deer creek hunt club,three oaks michigan,shotgun instruction,deer,creek,hunt,club,three,oaks,michigan,instruction,Gun,Shotgun,Sporting Clays,5 Stand,Trap shooting,Trap Targets,Clay Target,Clay Pigeon,NSCA,Shotgun instruction instructor, NSCA shotgun instructors, sporting clays instruction instructor in Indiana Illinois Michigan, Mike Lumbrazo NSCA shotgun instructor